Mohanlal's former close friend, Director Ranjith watched the movie Pranayam at Kairali theatre, Calicut along with actresses Revathy and Rima Kallimgal. They came from the set of much awaited movie Indian Rupee, in which Prithviraj is acting in the lead role.
Ranjith apprecited Blessy for directing such a wonderful film and Anupam Kher and Jayaprada for fascinating performance. He said that Blessy had put forward a good atempt and had maintained a classic feel throughout the film. He added that there are some moments in the film that can touch the heart. Apart from the Blessy trademark, he felt it as an experiment. If he would want to rate the movie, this is the best movie among Blessy's 6 films, said Ranjith. He saw Revathy's eyes filling with tears while watching the film. He said that Anupam Ker, Jayaprada and all other actors performed well but he never mentioned
Mohanlal's name. Happy to know that he liked the movie. Lets hope the dispute between the two ends soon.
Blessy said that their will not be another person in the Indian cinema or in the world cinema other than Mohanlal who can play the role of Mathews tremendously with hands and face sitting on wheelchair sapless.
Rima Kallingal thanked Mohanlal, Blessy, Anupam Kher, Anoop Menon, Niveditha, Jayaprada and Aryan for making her smile, feel and cry with them.
According to Samudarkani the space for Pranayam is not in Kerala but in the world of cinema.
Anoop Menon commented that, when the young generation actors byheart the dialogues inorder to perform their best, Mohanlal deliver it as if its his own experience.
Ranjith apprecited Blessy for directing such a wonderful film and Anupam Kher and Jayaprada for fascinating performance. He said that Blessy had put forward a good atempt and had maintained a classic feel throughout the film. He added that there are some moments in the film that can touch the heart. Apart from the Blessy trademark, he felt it as an experiment. If he would want to rate the movie, this is the best movie among Blessy's 6 films, said Ranjith. He saw Revathy's eyes filling with tears while watching the film. He said that Anupam Ker, Jayaprada and all other actors performed well but he never mentioned
Mohanlal's name. Happy to know that he liked the movie. Lets hope the dispute between the two ends soon.
Blessy said that their will not be another person in the Indian cinema or in the world cinema other than Mohanlal who can play the role of Mathews tremendously with hands and face sitting on wheelchair sapless.
Rima Kallingal thanked Mohanlal, Blessy, Anupam Kher, Anoop Menon, Niveditha, Jayaprada and Aryan for making her smile, feel and cry with them.
According to Samudarkani the space for Pranayam is not in Kerala but in the world of cinema.
Anoop Menon commented that, when the young generation actors byheart the dialogues inorder to perform their best, Mohanlal deliver it as if its his own experience.
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